Posts Tagged: service dog travel

Aiden’s Thoughts About Our Book Tour to Minnesota

Love from Minnesota storefront

Love from Minnesota storefront

I’m so glad to be home! I don’t mind travelling, but it seems we were just getting settled and the scents were becoming familiar when we packed up and moved to the next city.

I fly like a carry-on and fit nicely under the seat in front of Christy. I was trained to do it that way. It’s always nice when we have a seat or two with no one next to us for extra stretch-out space.

Here are photos of some of the things I did in Minnesota.

Walked the Mall of America.

Made new friends, Cody and Frankie.

Saw a lot of lakes (I didn’t get too near them since I don’t like water, but it made for a nice background).

Discovered the true purposes of dogs (things I love to do when I’m not working).

Spent four nights in Christy’ hometown of Thief River Falls. (Yes, there really is such a place).

All totaled, we put in more than 4,000 miles!

Despite all the places we visited, the miles we put on the rented van and the adventures I had, I’m beyond thrilled to be home. Even though airports have “pet relief” areas, I’d rather do my business in my own backyard.